Thursday, September 19, 2019

Yellowstone/MT 2019

Rather than dealing with the airlines, I decided to take some time and drive out to Yellowstone this year and make some stops along the way to see the sights and some friends.  As always, the fishing was good, but we did have some weather blow in the second week that slowed things down some.  I always feel the photos do more justice than my words for this trip, so hope you enjoy them.

Falls Park, Sioux Falls, SD

Prairie Dogs, Badlands NP

Big Horn Sheep, Badlands NP

Badlands NP, SD

Badlands NP, SD

MT Rushmore NP, SD
Yellowstone North Entrance, Gardiner, MT

Paul Weamer (Weamer Fly Fishing) with a nice Cut on the Lamar

Ruthann Weamer and Heidi netting a Cut on the Lamar

Paul and I imparting our years of knowledge and just being generally helpful


Stopping by to see some friends
Getting ready for winter

Game on

Got a little fury on the Lamar

Bat I rescued (with a stick) from the Lamar.  Not sure if he made it or not, but set him there to dry out.  
Herb on Soda Butte

Soda Butte Cuts being picky one night
Finally ate

Weather turned at end of week one and put a damper on the hopper bite

Soda Butte Valley

Until next year